Lashburn Community Church
Affiliated with the Evangelical Free Church of Canada

Oscar and Sharon Ospina
Oscar and Sharon Ospina (Katia, Jaelyn) are missionaries to a wide range of believers in Mexico. They share the gospel with the unsaved through Bible studies, with students in the Bible Institute pursuing studies in missions, and as they disciple and train believers in churches. They are ministering to believers at all stages of the faith journey. Oscar and Sharon serve under the mission of New Tribes Missions.
Pete and Cathy Dyck (Josiah, ChristyAnn)
Pete and Cathy Dyck (Josiah, ChristyAnn) are missionaries serving under Worldwide Evangelization for Christ (WEC). Until very recently they were missionaries to a village in Mexico where gun violence, the drug trade, and distrust of outsiders was prominent. They have now returned to Canada to live in Osler while their teen aged children go to school.
Ebenezer and Samuel Benjamin
Ebenezer and Samuel Benjamin (Global Outreach Mission) have now ministered to the unsaved in India for 33 years. Their mission work includes a senior home with 53 residents and ten staff, a village medical clinic, a village medical camp, a ministry to the blind, and service to five village churches. For the last fifteen years they have done prison ministry and visitation but their permission to do this has now been retracted by the government.

Ernest & Effie Dyck
Ernest and Effie Dyck live in Oregon, USA. They had been caring for Effie’s father there but he has now passed away. They continue to coach, mentor, and encourage various ministry partners via the internet and occasionally in person. Ernest has made several trips to Cuba to work with the churches there. Effie has also continued to work on Vacation Bible School material for Spanish speaking churches. Ernest and Effie serve with the Evangelical Free Church of America.